As a reminder, the teaser message is the message that incentives to click the widget.

You don’t need to show it. Visitors can also click the WhatsApp icon to open the welcome message.

To remove the teaser message, there’s several ways to achieve it. In all, we need to change the HTML code of the widget.


1. Add visiblity:hidden

Go to where you left the HTML widget code, and find the <div> with class=”hoola-conversation-message-outer

The complete tag looks like:

<div id="hoola-conversation-message-outer" class="hoola-conversation-message-outer">

You want add style=”visibility:hidden;” to this tag. Replace it with the following:

<div id="hoola-conversation-message-outer" class="hoola-conversation-message-outer" style="visibility:hidden;">

It should look like this:


<aside> 💡 This way is the best practice. The alternative way is to comment out the HTML. Deleting it from the HTML is not recommended.


2. Comment out the teaser message

Select the starting div tag of: <div id="hoola-conversation-message-outer" class="hoola-conversation-message-outer"> so it selects the closing tag:
