What are we going to do?
We are going to incorporate a Feedback Request Flow on WhatsApp to make sure our customers are satisfied with our service. Or that we help them if there is something we can improve.
What are we going to achieve?
Demonstrate proactivity and that we care about our customers. This is important to differentiate yourself from the competition and convert your customers into loyal brand buyers.
The first step we need to do is:
The goal is for you to add a delay of several days after the order so that you can continue to ask the customer for feedback.
The exact waiting time between order and message will depend on the type of product you are selling, shipping time, etc. Ideally, allow enough time for the customer to have experienced the product or experience before we ask for feedback.
The next step is to send the Feedback request message. A message like this:
Hi $Preferred Name, it's been a few weeks since your last order and I just wanted to know if everything went well. If you need help, remember to just drop us a line!
Button 1: Everything’s great! Button 2: I need help...
The only thing left for us to do is to take some action based on what they respond:
If they tell us that everything is fine:
You can take the opportunity to take different actions, such as:
If they tell us they need help:
If the customer needs help, it is the ideal time to assign an agent and be able to be proactive in giving help.